Manuel Donada: A bordo della sua stramba astronave, zaino strabordante di colori sulle spalle, e in compagnia dei suoi personaggi scappati da un cartoon di Hanna & Barbera, Manuel Donada ha attraversato centinaia di pianeti e stelle, ha sperimentato nuovi mondi e nuovi modi di stravolgere il mondo reale e l’ha trasformato in uno scintillante artefatto visivo. Come un errante moderno scienziato dell’era 2.0 Manuel gira il mondo, osserva la realtà, registra la vita pulsante delle strade, dei caffè, osserva i comportamenti, i modi, le manie, i "tic" dell’umanità, e poi conclusa la raccolta, analizza, macina e frulla il tutto, distillandolo e riconsegnandolo ai nostri occhi come un meraviglioso mondo di OGM. Al primo sguardo sembrerebbero innocenti e frivoli cartoons dal gusto decisamente retrò (evidente è il riferimento stilistico ai cartoni animati anni ’60) ma ci si accorge ben presto di essere circondati piuttosto da buffi personaggi transgenici. Espressioni clonate e reiterate quasi a diventare maschere, tali da rendere questi mostriciattoli tutt’altro che innocenti.
FABRICA FLUXUS art gallery will take part in BLOOOM, the very first interdisciplinary presentation platform for artists and art projects of the creative industries. BLOOOM will take place from the 28th of october to the 1st of november 2010. The location is: Staatenhaus am Rheinpark, Auenweg 17, 50679 Cologne and our booth is D02 (North Area). See you there!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Artists we're taking with us: MANUEL DONADA
Manuel Donada, with his backpack full of colours, on board his whacky spacecraft and in the company of some characters escaped from a cartoon by Anna and Barbera, has passed by many planets and stars. He has experienced new realities and found new ways to change the real world by turning it into a sparkling visual artefact. Just like a modern scientist of the era 2.0 Manuel travels the world, observing reality and recording the pulsing life of the streets and in the cafés; he studies the behaviour of mankind, its obsessions, its ticks. Once he is finished, he analyzes and processes everything, distilling its essence and reconstructing it for us as a wonderful OGM world. At first glance his characters could seem to be innocent and frivolous retro cartoons (his style recalls the cartoons from the 60’s), but soon enough one becomes aware of being surrounded by funny transgenic subjects. Cloned, repeated expressions becoming almost masks, thus making these little monsters anything but innocent.
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